Christen’s Clots – The Beginning of the Next Stage

This is an update to Christen’s Clots

First I’d like to dispense with the good news. The doctor told us that we get to go home tomorrow, and it sounds like we’ll be able to leave in the morning or mid-day. We’re ecstatic to say the least. We weren’t looking forward to Christmas in the hospital.

Doctor Sharma, the resident pulmonary specialist, came in to talk to Christen and I to explain what was going on. He explained that the clots were most likely caused by Christen’s birth control. It’s a possible side effect, and leave it to Christen be in that small percentage that are affected by it. He said that they started in the lower leg and moved up. As they moved up they move through bigger vessels all the way up through the heart. As they enter the lungs there are small areas they can get stuck in, and that’s exactly what happened. He continued to explain to us the risks associated with blood thinners, which Christen will be on for six months. Basically, for the next two months she needs to take it really easy (so all those of you that will be around her during the next couple months, help me enforce that). Then she needs to be careful for the next six months until she is off the blood thinners. The danger is that bleeding will be very hard to stop, because her blood will be about twice as thin as normal. Most bleeding can still be stopped at a hospital, but bleeding in the head could be extremely dangerous or even fatal.

After he explained all the medical stuff, he asked if we had any questions. We immediately asked when we’d be able to go home. After checking to make sure she would be able to get her injections at home, he said we could leave tomorrow.

The nurse came in a while later, carrying the Lovenox shot. It’s a strange feeling poking your wife with a needle. Even though you know it’s for her own good, it just doesn’t feel right. Even so, I did it successfully and while Christen said her stomach was turning because she was so nervous (she even made a crack about being more scared because someone with no experience was giving the injection), the nurse said I did great. I’ll be honest though, I’m no looking forward to 5 days of this.

Thanks to all who have prayed for us. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, being out of the hospital doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet.





3 responses to “Christen’s Clots – The Beginning of the Next Stage”

  1. […] Posts:Christen’s Clots – The Beginning of the Next StageWhat is Fibromyalgia?Fibromyalgia – The JourneyThanks from a Sick Wife and a Haggard HusbandA […]

  2. Leah Avatar

    Aaron, I’m so sorry for you and your wife. I don’t know either of you personally, but came here because I’m using your WordPress Efficient Related Posts plugins, and saw the announcement about slow responses to user questions.

    All the best wishes for Christen. It’s terrible to hear that her blood clots were possibly caused by birth control. I hope she is able to recover quickly from this and find a safer method of BC. Thanks for sharing her story–it may help other women who experience similar health issues because of BC.

    My sympathies to you, too. This must be very trying. Cheers for all you’ve done for the WordPress community, and best wishes for you and your wife.

  3. Rakhesh Avatar

    Aaron I can understand what you went through. My mum is currently going through this and no amount of knowing about things can prepare you for this.

    We were lucky the clot had blocked her artery and she wasn’t breathing to well and had stopped for a few moments.

    Same history in the case of fibromyalgia. It is amazing how many people still think she is faking it!

    Anyway mate I hope things get better for you all! I wonder if maybe your wife’s blood is naturally thick could be that it could be the trigger for fibromyalgia well I am hoping!

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