Geek Reprieve: For those times between being a geek

  • What is Fibromyalgia?

    I started reading 100 Questions & Answers About Fibromyalgia which is written by Sharon Ostalecki, PhD and Martin S. Tamler, MD, FAAPMR. Sharon has lived with Fibromyalgia and it’s been pretty cool to get the perspective of someone who has deal with the problem. I’m barely into the book, but I’ve learned some very interesting…

  • Fibromyalgia – The Journey

    Christen and I struggled for a long time trying to figure out why she was constantly sick, why her whole body hurt constantly, and why she didn’t have the energy she should even after sleeping half the day away. I’m a “fixer”. I prefer to approach problems directly and solve them. I love my wife…

  • God & Business

    My good friend James Pearson gave a talk at Foundry on vocation. I’m always inspired by his take on work, and specifically how it can and should affect the world. It’s definitely worth the 30 minutes. Watch it here!

  • Thanks from a Sick Wife and a Haggard Husband

    Christen has been having a tough time over the last couple weeks. She went to doctor because she thought she had a bladder infection, and it turned out she was right. The doctor (who’s great by the way) prescribed her Levaquin, which as it turns out is a really expensive antibiotic that doesn’t work on…

  • Is your mom or dad home?

    Just a few minutes ago, I heard a knock on the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I was somewhat annoyed, but I opened the door anyway to find a guy standing there who said he was with DirecTV and DishNetwork customer service. It was misleading at best. Those are competing companies, so there’s no…

  • X’s Web Show

    One February 02, 2009, Xavier was wanting to take pictures with Christen’s phone. Unfortunately, the phone was almost dead and Christen and I had work to do. I saw the video camera on my desk, so I put a fresh tape in it and showed him where the red button was that made it start…

  • from 52 to 48 | 48 to 52 with love

    I didn’t blog on the election. I avoided it on purpose. Not because I thought influencing people that way was wrong, let’s face it…I hold no influence here. Not because I worried about receiving backlash from those that didn’t agree with me. Nope, I avoided it because I wasn’t sure who I was going to…

  • A Glimpse of Boston

    I know, I know. We’re on vacation. However, vacation or no, I’m still a geek and I’m still fully wired. As most of you know, I was at a conference for the first couple days, so today was the first full day of vacation. We enjoyed it by sleeping in until we couldn’t sleep any…

  • This is going to hurt me, more than it’ll hurt you

    As a kid, I heard this phrase more than a few times. Thankfully, I don’t think I ever heard it from my parents. I say thankfully, because I don’t think I would have taking so well. I’d have probably taken issue with them for saying something so nonsensical, and I was one to voice my…

  • A Geek’s Envy

    Hi, my name is Aaron, and I have creative-envy. I’m a very technical, analytical, left-brain type person. The extent of my artistic skills lies is writing “beautiful” code. That’s it. I envy those that are gifted with creativity. Not because I want to do the things they do, but because I want to be able…

Got any book recommendations?